I have gotten a second wind! (seriously, who comes up with these phrases...I never understand them if I actually think about it)
Anyways, my blogging break has been nice. But it's time to pick back up my domestic adventures. I feel I am having a mid-year new year. Well, resolution wise. These concerns for health, diet, exercise...shouldn't they have come January 1st along with the rest of America? But no, it has taken me half the year to muster the energy to drastically change my eating habits. Which means no more easy mac. Gasp.
But it goes much further than that...goodbye processed foods. I have never been one for extreme diets or things like that. Granted I grew up like a bean pole, so there wasn't much use. But I have been a proponent for eating a healthy, balanced diet. Although, in all honesty, it isn't something I typically do. My eating habits have the most closely resembled a teenage boy's over the years. I used to think that bags of popcorn were meant for individual servings. Sharing meant popping another bag. And eating ice cream meant making it through a half gallon after a couple servings. Thankfully a nutrition class in college cured me of those bad habits, but I still found myself eating hot pockets, frozen dinners, and french fries religiously.
So the huge challenge for me is not just eating a healthy meal, but stocking a pantry, menu planning, grocery shopping, and staying within a welfare-like budget. Quite the challenge. I have never had to think long-term about my cooking choices. Just pull out of my mom's pantry the needed ingredients and voila!
So how drastic am I wanting to go? Well here it is... No white flour. No white sugar. I don't know that I can go cold turkey...but that is my ultimate goal. (well, at least when I cook) Everyone needs splurge days!