It all started during my Baby Gap days. In the store, we had a chalkboard wall that the snotty little kids liked to cover in crayon artistry...despite the chalk sitting right there. Getting wax off a wall is no easy task...that was, until they bought us these erasers. Then scrubbing that scribble off was so simple. Well, since then I have always had a lot of respect for the product, but not really any need for it. (Yes, this probably does indict me of never cleaning) However, today I went to clean one of my favorite pairs of shoes. They have gotten a lot of wear and as a result had significant black scuffs all over the sides of them. But I picked up my trusty magic eraser, scrubbed for 2 seconds, and they were perfectly clean. I swear...it really is magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after but I had no idea the surprising results...they are good as new!