So how does one decipher a good piece of meat from a bad one?
I found myself meandering through the aisles at the grocery store this weekend. Afraid to pass by the hunks and slabs of meat. A limitless selection it felt like, and I, not knowing which to choose. I gathered up enough courage to pass by the meat once but then quickly veered into the safety of the cereals, not yet ready to conquer the task of choosing a "good" pork loin. A quick call to my mom confirmed that I did, in fact, not have a clue what qualifies as good meat. She advised me to just pick one that "looks good". What piece of raw meat actually looks good?! They all look pretty disgusting to me. That didn't narrow down my decision at all. But with the calming voice of my mother on the phone, I headed back to the section to overcome my fears.
Now maybe you think I am dramatizing this a little. Who really starts to shake when they get close to the meat area? Who really needs courage in a grocery store? Ok...I know it sounds crazy, but combine my indecisiveness about everything (including picking out shampoo) with my complete disgust with raw meat. And it is a pretty traumatizing and paralyzing combination. One which I have avoided for twenty three years of my life. Until now..
So back I am, staking out my place in front of the pork. I try to ignore the fact that I probably am looking a little pale at the moment. I am hoping all the experienced shoppers around me will not notice my naivety and insecurity. Yes, I am not too proud to admit, I am insecure about selecting meat. So finally after prodding at a couple choices, I just grab one, toss it in my basket, and am off to the checkout. No turning back now. I might as well have played inny minny miny mo. I think what I need to do is befriend the butcher at my local grocery. Maybe he can help me overcome my fear! Although, in my mind I picture all butchers the same way...just like the chef from the Little Mermaid. Befriending him seems almost scarier than just venturing into the meat section alone. Although, when it comes time to cook a lobster. I may be calling on him for help!
So the menu for tonight. I am finishing up my roasting section with a roasted pork loin. And learning the art of barding (wrapping in pancetta- the Italian version of bacon) ...And we all know, anything wrapped in bacon is delicious!! I can't wait!
seriously, if I am to continue reading your blog about all these delicious meals, then you're going to have to satisfy my taste buds with some of your very best concoctions!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the barding!
It was delicious!!Good job Jen.