1. It must take no longer than an hour to make (what diva has hours to spare??)
2. I could not buy anything to make it (...SO something Martha would do..making something out of nothing)
And the result...a thrifty, functional sewing kit...hopefully!
I got my inspiration from the sewing kit mentioned from my last blog. However, since my goal is to become the next Martha...I needed to make my sewing kit better than the one shown on her website. So that is what I attempted to do...in under an hour (I ended up having 10 min. to spare)
Here is my new sewing kit...
I made it from an old box I found lying around, and quickly painting it to hide the hideous floral motif it formerly had. And what is easier than tying a simple ribbon around it to make it cuter...
Inside it I included random buttons, scissors, thread, needles, measuring tape, safety pins, and straight pins...all the things necessary for a basic sewing kit...
The sewn coral fabric scrap with button on top is my favorite part. It fits conveniently inside and expands accordion style to display all the stored pins and needles. It easy to take out simply by grabbing the button sewn on top...
Overall, this is my solution to a sewing kit that is cute, doesn't look like a sewing kit, but is still functional, and SUPER quick to make. Now, I just have to motivate myself to actually use it and get that mending done...that is the much greater challenge.
It is funny that you spent an hour you could have been mending something to make a kit to mend something.
ReplyDeletelove the kit!! the cuteness factor alone inspires... what else can you do diva?!
ReplyDeletevery nice. I'd say that you are well on your way to becoming a domestic diva.
ReplyDeleteoh, and you and I both have profile pictures of us in the kitchen, haha.