So now I have probably led you to believe that I have constructed some sort of space ship or whatnot in my room..when in is just something I picked up from the local target. You will learn whenever I refer to my room being adventurous, I am almost always referring to the "passionfruit" paint on the walls. (And yes, I do buy paint based on the name.) So anyways, back to my latest domestic endeavor. No cooking or mending this time. It was about time for some home improvement. And every time I think of "home improvement", I always think of the tv show with its quirky characters like Al and my previous dream boyfriend...JTT (sigh). However, unlike those experienced craftsmen, this was my first attempt to build least anything that will be usable and functional.
So from start...(note: that is MY tool kit..every diva's gotta have one)
to finish...
I love my new bookcase and the fact that my room seems a little more like a room and not like I just moved in. Finally!
well done!