So in all honesty, it ends up being more frequent than I would like that I discover new things that I am absolutely horrible at. My latest...knitting. I started learning this week after a quick trip to the dollar store. Random...but did you know that you can actually buy knitting needles, yarn, and a how-to book..all at the dollar store?? That is a grand total of $3 for a new hobby. Pretty inexpensive if you ask me. And completely worth it, unless, of are me. I don't know that I will actually be able to produce an item worth keeping. My friend and I decided to learn together one night after work this week. She, of course, quickly taught herself how to knit, while I on the other hand, awkwardly handled the needles in an effort to keep up. She has had to demonstrate countless times. Each time I admire the ease at which she
maneuvers her knitting needles. And each time she hands it back for me to try...I cannot seem to get it. This is where my comparison to chopsticks comes in. I am about as skilled eating with chopsticks as I am with knitting. My needles flail and never go in the direction that I want. It ends up with a messed up ball of yarn instead of neat rows of stitches. But the advantages of knitting, if I can ever master the talent...
1. My coordination in general would be improved
2. They say "idle hands are the devil's workshop"...I think I would like to avoid that!
3. And is a hobby you can do anywhere...even Starbucks
(And requires ALL my concentration)

I want to give a shout out to our new friend at the dollar store too! I am always excited for new readers!
Keep it up, I need a scarf for winter!