One of my guilty pleasures, besides listening to Miley Cyrus, is watching the Bachelor. Especially this season (sigh..Jake)! However, I feel that my interest is similar to those American Idol fans at the beginning of the season. Half of me genuinely enjoys the show and the other half enjoys mocking those deciding to flaunt their desperation. It is people-watching in the comfort of my own home. Beautiful. What is especially interesting is the first meeting of each of the girls with the lucky bachelor. In just a couple minutes, that impression is the only first impression he will ever have. So why use an over used expression like, "did you register those guns? (grabbing his arm)" or give him your fake engagement ring that you wear from your pretend fiance or simply stare into his eyes and say how in love with him you ALREADY are. Crazy...but SO entertaining!
Another part of the show that made laugh was how several of the girls mentioned the previous show and how they could have slapped Jillian for letting him go. Little did they know, Jillian would be showing up later to quiz them and help Jake decide. Ah, irony. Ladies, who knew your chance to act would come so soon! ...(much to my disappointment) none seemed to seize the opportunity. Although, that might have made it a little too Jerry Springeresque.
It also looks like this season will be "the most dramatic season yet"...which to me is the same thing as telling your girlfriend or boyfriend you like them more than you did your ex. It seems to be just an empty can keep saying that to the most recent person. It isn't untrue, but it isn't saying a lot either.
The only thing that, even after the first night, I feel will wear on my nerves is the overused analogies to flying. Yes, he is a pilot. Yes, that is attractive. Yes, he is attractive. :) But I really should have counted the times girls referred to themselves as wanting to be his co-pilot. They think they are being creative and witty, but what they don't know is they are the fifth girl to tell him that. I bet he will wish for a different profession by the end of this season. Although the cheesy pickup lines do seem to diminish as the season goes on.
Anyways, all I know is that my Monday nights from 7-9 are now officially booked.
P.S. I was thoroughly surprised when Channy spoke Cambodian to him. Although, I don't think that is the first phrase I want to learn...
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