What have I gotten myself into? Not to worry..I really am excited. I am just afraid my excitement might fade at 3 in the morning when all I hear are giggling girls voices and can't sleep. You see, I am volunteering at my church's kids lock-in tonight. It will be fun because they put me in the room with my 4th-6th grade girls. And they were excited I was going to be with them...which is reassuring because half the time I think I am way more obsessed with them than they are with me.
The theme for tonight is..if you couldn't tell by my title...western. I am thinking my little road trip to Dallas/Ft. Worth a year ago will be helpful. My friend and I went to a rodeo while we were there and I was able to pick up a lot of the lingo...such as "howdy" and hobbies like chewing tobacco. I should be set for tonight. Except, I have yet to figure out what I am going to wear. And I want to go all out. I love dressing up for stuff like this. And haven't dressed up with them since my first week teaching when I dressed up as an aerobics instructor to introduce our theme for the year. No side ponytails or sweat bands tonight, it is gonna be pigtails and boots instead! Ah, it makes me excited just thinking about it!
I was trying to remember the last time I actually wore western garb and realized it was my freshman year of college. I went to an event put on by RUF at MC and we went out to this barn in the middle of nowhere. It was fun as we square and line danced. But the main memory I have was being completely disgusted by an "event" if you want to call it that...spitting crickets. Who does that? Apparently lots of people that I was with..yet, I could not bring myself to try spitting a live cricket. However, my daring and adventurous side at that point was hardly existent so I imagine if presented with that opportunity again I would do it. Or at least just eat it...
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