-i've had quite the job
it's going on two years
but today ends this era
and has brought so many tears
-i want to dedicate this post
to the reason i blog at all
my dear coworker katie
who is beautiful and tall
-she begged me for some reading
one day when work was slow
and said that i should start this
if only she would know
-how much she has inspired me
to write and even rhyme
she's definitely the kind of girl
who writes poems all the time
-who knew when we first entered
the doors of mnb
the memories that would be made
and the things that we would see
-the only coworker i can mention
is one no longer there
she snooped and bragged
and told us that she really didn't care
-our days were filled with breaks
and drinking lots of tea
and staring at the hourglass
on our blank computer screen
-my computer's drawn attention
with its rocket blasting sound
but at least i have a friendly face
right when i turn around
-i know that we can be
less professional than..well all
which has caused a lot of drama
in the back along the wall
-at least we are so far removed
so our giggles will not carry
over to the hard working guys
of who we may be wary
-everyday we sat and watched the clock
for noontime was our break
we went to sonic, parks, the car
it was our hour to escape
-the storage days were so fun
we had to lift a box
or two, or twenty five of them
but every thursday stephen rocks
-we made those days out of office fun
between a mouse and locking keys
and discovering a furniture store
we did just what we pleased
-i can't forget our work fish
john david sebastian the third
he is very spastic
and his chewing can be heard
-but we love our little baby
who we have shared so far
we even gave him a vacay home
and buckled him in the car
-i just don't know how i could
be more lucky than i've been
i really have had the best coworker
eight thirty in the a.m.
-every morning without fail
i always have a hunch
on our desks: a mug, some tea
a bag of cheerios to crunch
-so thank you katie for keeping me sane
and all you've done for me
and in return you get
five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact for free!
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