Yep. I am diagnosing myself. I suffer from a case of pictorial dyslexia. Let me explain...
It started this morning. No, that is a lie. This story you are about to hear has happened before. Therefore, this morning's incident must be classified as more than just an accident. Anyways, it all started this morning when I came downstairs and set foot in the kitchen. I turned on the burner to start heating up my kettle for my morning cup of tea. As that was heating up, I thought to myself, 'Mmm. I should cook some eggs this morning.' You see, that is what prevents my stomach from rumbling in church. Not only did scrambled eggs sound delicious, but this would prevent me from future embarrassment when my stomach happened to rumble right when an 'Amen' was in order. Yeah, true story. So after my kettle whistled away, I set up my skillet to cook on the same burner. I grabbed things out of the pantry, cracked the eggs, and stirred away. At this point, I thought I'd be super talented and fix my cup of tea at the same time I scrambled the eggs. But after a few minutes all my attention is focused on the eggs. They are still really runny. And I do NOT like runny eggs. I continue to push them around waiting for them to cook but they are only partially done. Finally, I notice that the burner is simply not on. I had turned the burner off right after removing the kettle, but thought I had turned it right back on. Unfortunately, I turned on the wrong burner...burning the oven covers and some oven mitts in the process. Now, take a careful look at the picture I posted. I should be able to read the diagram to see what burner is being used, but for some reason I always pick the wrong one. It's a curse. Instead of putting the knobs vertical, could they not have put them side by side so it matched? Right should mean right instead of top means right...confusing, right? Well, maybe not to the average person, but if you have pictorial dyslexia, you bet!
Needless to say, I did not feel very diva-esque leaving my house this morning! Martha would be so disappointed!