So you think I would have come to the realization that spring is here by how many times I have sneezed in the last few days, but considering I am allergic to work (the place, not the job) I didn't put it together. Not until this afternoon...
I was on my way home from work and to be honest, I am little embarrassed. Normally, I am pretty self-aware. You know, I wait until I get home to pick my nose or flex my bulging arm muscles. However, today was not one of those days. I decided to go shoe shopping today, in hopes of finding something else to wear besides my clunky, uncomfortable shoes I wore today. Pain apparently has a way of motivating.
So I stop by good ol' DSW to see what they have. (Quite a disappointment, but not what this post is about) As I walk out to my car empty handed, I notice a leggy little creature right by my door handle. If there is one thing I don't handle well, that would be bugs...more specifically, spiders. And little Charlotte was just hanging out on my door. (Hopefully naming this spider does not endear you to it, because spiders are NOT endearing!) So obviously I am not getting in my car with a spider in my way. But I don't have anything to kill it with so I start attacking it with my keys. Not the smartest thing to do to you car...I seem to learn things the hard way. So after mauling my car door to no avail, I start sticking my leg up in the air trying to squish it with my shoe...now this happens to be pretty high...ahem, not something you can be too discreet about. Although, to be honest I have no idea how ridiculous I looked at this point, because I was completely focused on the kill.
However, despite my intensity, both methods were unsuccessful. This winter has made me a little rusty apparently. So after the spider runs to hide, I have no choice but to get into my car...very slowly and with a scared look on my face. Now as I am about to pull out, I turn the other direction and notice a man beside me in his car...with a VERY amused look on his face. Oops! It looks like I was 'crazy lady' entertainment for someone today. Oh well, I am too excited it's spring!! (well, minus the spiders)
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