Monday, August 31

Friday, August 28

Thursday, August 27
But I am not least when it comes to crafts. I know that graduating with an interior design degree means that I should be creative in all aspects. But I am not. Yes, I could tell you the best sort of wall material to use or how far apart outlets should be placed. However, the design of a bulletin board, or a fun craft to make...I am at a loss. I don't know where to begin or what to do.

This all came rushing at me last night. I think partly because my ideas are so over the top. And reality sometimes pales in comparison. You see, I had to decorate a room for a Christmas theme last night. I know..Christmas in August. Actually kind of fun. And I definitely listened to my new Christmas tunes on the way to work this morning too. But how I pictured my room turning out...was somewhere along the lines of how Buddy decorated the toy shop in the movie Elf. Yeah, I realize this is not possible for one person to do in an hour. But that was my vision nonetheless. Mine turned out a little more Charlie Brown than anything puny strand of half working lights and my tiny little tree were all the room had going for it. A little sad. And NOT at all what I pictured.
So how does one go about become craftier? Maybe practice. Maybe its natural. I don't know. But I am slightly envious of all those teachers out there that can bust out craft after craft...
Wednesday, August 26

I found my inspiration walking through Target today. I stumbled upon the spice isle. Now for the insanely organized person that I love to think I am...the rows and rows of uniform glass containers containing various shapes and colors, from deep browns to sage greens, instantly attracted my attention. The cinnamon sticks paired with bay leaves and thyme. I wanted to mix and match right there in the store. The $6 pricetag they each possessed however quickly stopped me in my tracks. I refrained from sweeping up the 200 or so spices that had caught my eye. However, I do think that every diva must have a matching little collection of her favorite spices...they are the thing that sets your cooking apart. They spice it up..and make your kitchen so much cuter. Maybe not a necessity for the average person, but for the domestic diva...they are a MUST!

First and foremost, I think it is apparent that this blog has been inspired by none other than that manly voiced, slightly criminal, avid animal lover Martha Stewart. There is much that I could say about this woman. I mean, come on, she is one of the most powerful, influential women in the world. But I believe you all are aware of how drastically she has shaped domestic life for us. No thinking is required..just to go to her website where you can download checklists, tips, recipes, and anything you would ever want or need. Martha is the closest thing to a life coach for me...she has an answer for almost every question I have.

Next. My friend Katie. Yes, maybe this is a stretch, but she did win the award out of all my friends for "Best Friend Mom". The second you meet her you know that she will take care of you..mainly because she instantly places a tea mug in your hand. (I partly blame her for my obsession with tea.) But man, does she know how to throw a party or shower! Seriously, I used her help and ideas so much earlier this summer when two of my good friends got married. Countless ideas, creative decorations, themes, sample invitations, you name it. She is a wealth of information! So she definitely earns a spot on my inspiration list.
Tuesday, August 25

Monday, August 24
The first of which, I think I will forever be frustrated. Cookies. There are WAY too many recipes out there. All with just slightly different amounts of flour, butter, and sugar. How am I to know the best one?? Well I tried a new oatmeal raisin recipe because it is my dad's favorite, and it was his birthday this Friday. However, I wasn't completely pleased with the results of this new recipe that I tried. Maybe its for the fact that I could quite possibly be a cookie snob. They aren't my favorite dessert or baked I might in fact have higher expectations in order to enjoy them. But I was not at all impressed with the recipe I chose. They had slightly too much oatmeal, were too crumbly, and just not that great. (Although the uncooked batter was amazing..I don't know what happened when I cooked them) So maybe one of my greatest quests as I become a domestic diva should be to find the perfect cookie recipes...even if I have to make up my own. So this is what they looked like..along with the card and stuff I made for my dad.
Seriously, this picture makes them look like a blob. I need a professional photographer to take my pictures to convince you that they were in fact edible. I promise they were!
The second venture was to make my first ever omelet. I know..what I have been doing all these years?! ...actually I just have been making scrambled eggs. I have never made any other type of egg but scrambled. I think in some ways I am a creature of habit. So I decided to try something new...and hope for the best. Omelets can be a bit of a challenge. At least for cooks like me...There is lots of moving the pan and folding and such...all in less than two minutes. I think its the time that stresses me out. It is make it or break it. And it all happens so quickly! However, I am pleased to say that it actually turned out. The second better than the first, but both were edible, which honestly surprised me. I am excited now that I can branch out from my scrambled eggs if I so wish..
So that's pretty much all the weekend consisted of...domestication wise. But tonight I am cooking my second big meal. I am continuing on with roasting...learning more and more what to do and why. And tonight's meal consists of getting to use a mallet (getting out aggression yay!), butterflying a turkey, more bloody nasty meat, redoing stuffing (that was really the only thing I wasn't happy with last time), and then I get to learn all about brining the turkey...something I had no idea of before. I have a feeling tomorrows post will be full of things I have learned. AND hopefully not another night of a busted kitchen sink. Uneventful is my hope...Friday, August 21

I never realized how much fun making popcorn can actually be. I think I enjoyed the "making it" part of the process so much more than the outcome. Caramel popcorn is seriously fun to make. Now don't get me wrong, I have eaten my fair share of it already today too...enough to make me feel slightly sick and almost...almost...regret eating that much. But my favorite part was making and shaking. Stove popped popcorn. It's like shake and bake!
Well, I didn't include a actual photo..sorry I am getting lazy in my blogging. But why not a professional picture instead..they make food look way better anyways. Overall, I was pretty pleased with the results. It will definitely be a standard snack at my house. (Love it! Thanks Laura!)
I am so thankful that it is the end of the week. Fridays have taken on a new meaning now that I am working full-time. I have several exciting projects I am working on this weekend. So hopefully they all turn out..and more importantly that I find time this weekend to get them done. I seem to be a little too over ambitious sometimes...but if I am to be a domestic diva in just a few months, I have a lot of ground to cover. I am up for any suggestions too, of things that any diva must know. I want my education to be complete!
Thursday, August 20
Wednesday, August 19
Tuesday, August 18

That is pretty much my initial response to my cooking endeavor last night. Of course, on my first night of cooking, a pipe bursts and in turn, I can't use the kitchen sink for most of the night. Not only am I new at this whole cooking thing, but throw in a busted sink, and I am doomed for failure. If only video were acquired from last night, you would see me running to and from the bathroom to wash my hands or parsley, frantically trying to keep the chicken from burning and the gravy from lumping. I definitely worked up a sweat...and a greater appreciation for those holiday meals that are assembled. Cooking three things at a time requires dexterity and grace...both of which I am severely lacking. The result: chicken juice on the floor, the counter piled high with countless measuring spoons and pans, and already my cookbook is not looking quite as new and spotless. Which brings me to the number one thing I learned from last night...prepare beforehand. Which is something I did not do...mise en place. Which is so typical. I am the type of person that..yes I will admit..has very little patience. Besides...the fact that dinner was not served until 8:30 last night was also a little more motivation to get started quickly. Although I have to say I feel like the late dinners will be in my favor. If you are hungry enough..anything tastes good. Right?
So back to the actual meal..besides the whole sink incident, I would say the whole process went as smoothly as would be expected of a novice cook. The whole, raw chicken brought lots of laughter and funny faces. I couldn't decided whether I was in biology class or holding a baby...either of which was slightly disturbing. But once the thing was buttered, stuffed, and in the oven I was much more at ease. I also love these silicone ties that I trussed the chicken with. Later, when I had to stick it back in because it was not quite done, I didn't have to get new twine and retie. I already had the silicone tie ready to be resecured. Granted, it was a little buttery and shot off the chicken and onto the floor..but no one needs to know those little mishaps.
I am just so relieved to have this one behind me. It was quite a challenge...but as I like to look at all setbacks in life, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Having a busted sink, under cooking the chicken, making the gravy watery, and dicing instead of mincing..yes all these things have made me a much better cook. Now, I know how to run around and not burn anything. I know what an uncooked and cooked chicken looks like. I know how to add more flour to gravy without making it lumpy. And I know that I definitely need to improve my chopping skills. All this from one night.
So what is next for this domestic diva? More cooking..definitely..and sewing, gardening, and cleaning as well. I mean, hey, Martha does it all. But I will do more!
So here is my "perfect roast chicken"...
and "simple stuffing"...
Better than Martha's right??
Monday, August 17