So maybe this doesn't qualify as domestic, but considering the lack of domesticity in my life as of late...I am at a loss of what to write about. My free time has been consumed with running. I am training for a half marathon in December. It makes me laugh because I always have said I will NEVER run a half marathon. I have run that much mileage before...so I had no desire to repeat it. But like pretty much everything I have said I will never do...I find myself doing that very thing. Funny how life is. So I have decided to undertake this race for several reasons..one being this is a St. Jude half and my friend's son is currently undergoing treatment there and also for the fact that I need to be really healthy if I am going overseas...ya know, just in case I need to out-run scary foreign traffickers. Hah. Mom, please don't read that...
Anyways, I am the type of person that needs serious motivation to work out. I get so bored...especially running long distances. However, I have to say, my runs have been fairly entertaining so far...like seeing armadillos, snakes, almost getting hit by a car...those things have helped. But I still have so far to go. And unlike other friends who can just pick up and run 2 hours and 40 minutes...I cannot! But one thing I have going for me..I am very determined. If I set my mind to do something..I will do it. Some may call that stubbornness..I however like to classify it as determination. Sounds better. And I am determined to run this half marathon even if it kills me in the process...or at least my knee.
So will I ever bake again? Hopefully tonight. I know I need to take a night off of running, at least for my knee's sake, so after teaching my girls' tonight...I am hoping to squeeze in some baking and will try to force myself not hit the streets.
Anyways, I am the type of person that needs serious motivation to work out. I get so bored...especially running long distances. However, I have to say, my runs have been fairly entertaining so far...like seeing armadillos, snakes, almost getting hit by a car...those things have helped. But I still have so far to go. And unlike other friends who can just pick up and run 2 hours and 40 minutes...I cannot! But one thing I have going for me..I am very determined. If I set my mind to do something..I will do it. Some may call that stubbornness..I however like to classify it as determination. Sounds better. And I am determined to run this half marathon even if it kills me in the process...or at least my knee.
So will I ever bake again? Hopefully tonight. I know I need to take a night off of running, at least for my knee's sake, so after teaching my girls' tonight...I am hoping to squeeze in some baking and will try to force myself not hit the streets.
The couch to 5K program is incredible...look into it--you can google it and it will come up. And P.S. you have a picture of a man running....and that just doesn't fit your blog girly...