Thursday, October 1


So I was almost persuaded to buy another cookbook last night on amazon. I guess I should just start reading reviews to help dissuade my impulsive book buying tendencies because that completely worked last night. But just seemed like my kind of book.. "How to Cook Everything". I mean, hello, that IS my goal. Hah. But I baked another recipe from Smitten Kitchen last night. I think I choose those recipes because I like the name of the blog and the pictures are pretty. Shouldn't I stick with the long standing traditions of Betty Crocker? That would make sense, but no, I buck tradition in the name of glossy photos and fun titles.

So blondies it was. And boy...I am rusty when it comes to baking. I still feel like they are undercooked...and I stuck them back in several times. I was going to take them to my small group tonight, but am second guessing that decision for fear of salmonella poisoning breaking out amongst our group. 8 dead from blondie brownies. I can see the headlines now...not something I want to happen.

1 comment:

  1. ROTFL. Haha...."8 dead from blondies"...amazing. I LOVE YOU JEANNIFFFERR
