Monday, February 8


My plans today did not involve making a snowman...or blogging, but waking up to 5 inches of snow will do that. However, it has given me more time to do a little research...about Hands on a Hard Body. I watched this movie 7 years ago. Wow. That makes me feel old. But one night hanging out with my best friends in high school, we were exposed to the most interesting thing ever. I sat there with my mouth wide open for the entire film. Seriously. And my friends and I have talked about watching it again, but never have. Apparently we have made this film sound so interesting that my friend's husband spent several hours looking for it. Even opened a Netflix account to watch it. All to know avail. Because apparently, it costs over a hundred dollars to buy it on Amazon!! Who knew I would be so lucky to actually get to watch this amazing documentary. But now it makes me want to buy it or rent it SO much more...I want what I can't have.


  1. That looks like an awesome movie. If you liked that you may like the turtleman

  2. Wow, who knew that watching hand on a hard body would become such a noteworthy experience...i cant believe it is so expensive now!! I must admit though, it is probably one of the best films i have seen :)!
