I am highly ambitious with my alarm times. 7:00. I push snooze upwards of 7 times before turning it off. (This is magnified in cold weather)
Eventually I am brave enough to push off my heated blanket, only to quickly pull it back up. I compare it to swimming in really cold pools. I am the type that drags that whole process out. This morning...for 2 hours. And I am still sitting in bed.
However, after I finally make it out of bed. I hit up the kitchen. Yogurt, bagels, honey nut cheerios. All staple food. (All of which I won't be eating in 5 days..sad)
Then it is on to figuring out what to wear. Most of the time I get back in bed to make this decision. It takes me quite a while and I take up any and every opportunity to get back in bed, even if its only for 2 minutes.
After 10 minutes of bed deliberation about my outfit, and having wasted my entire morning, I devote about 5 minutes to doing my hair and makeup. Most of the reason why I wear my hair up all the time.
Then, if I am not heading to Starbucks I will make tea before I go, putting me 3-4 minutes behind schedule.
Or I blog...probably making me even later. Which is what I am doing this morning. I should go. Gotta primp this morning for my picture in the paper.
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