Today is pretty much a laundry day over here at Casa Diva. You know, when you are down to your last pair of socks...or whatever. You end up wearing tie dye or mesh shirts or whatever happens to be in the far abyss of your closet. Well, that is me today, but only in the kitchen. That's
Let me explain.
I enter my kitchen. Starving....stomach growling starving! So I open the pantry. Then shut. Open fridge. Then shut. Open freezer. Slam shut. Open freezer again...BRUSSEL SPROUTS! Yep. That's it. It was my first time to try these infamous veggies...and they honestly weren't so bad. Maybe with enough lemon juice, oil, and salt anything can taste good. That or considering your other option is...ok, so there aren't any other options. They have to taste good! But to balance out, I've got cookies in the fridge almost ready to stick in the oven. Mmm...I can't wait. (I also finished off the flour, sugar, and butter making my cookies. Yeah, it's THAT bad. I am hoping no nuclear explosion happens today. I'd be the first one dead.)
So this might not the most well rounded meal, but it's my laundry day meal. It isn't supposed to make sense. And don't worry, I plan to go grocery shopping soon! (Well, at least before my cookie supply runs out)
I like the reference to mesh shirts, and the new layout.