#1 - Distilled White Vinegar
Not just made for those delicious salt and vinegar chips. Nope, this baby is the first prize winner for a "non-toxic, clean your whole house with one product" solution. Simple as that. It is effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs. It works best on mirrors and as a multi-purpose cleaner.All you got to do is mix a half vinegar, half water solution. Easy peasy. I mean you don't even need to measure for this baby. Just the way I like it! Plus, if you dump about 1/4 cup in your toilet, it'll clean that annoying ring that appears. It is safe to use, plus this baby is cheap. It was around a dollar for the vinegar, and H2O is free! Can't beat this one.

#2 - Club Soda
I consider this one a great find. There you are finding yourself scrubbing away, working up a sweat, getting a little parched. All you have to do is dump a little of this on a stain and gulp down the rest. What other kind of cleaning products can you do that with? Pretty impressive if you ask me. Besides the rehydration benefits, this one is known to pull out a nasty carpet stain or two. The other benefit is that it shines bathroom fixtures like nobodies business. No crazy mixtures for this one. Just pour on a cloth, shine...and be amazed!
#3 - Hydrogen Peroxide (4%)
This baby is the safe alternative to bleach. Yes, bleach is still mentioned as a safe choice, but I do think it has some disadvantages which bumped it from this list. We will get to that later though. This solution is simply 1 cup hydrogen peroxide for every 2 cups of water. You just apply this little mixture and mold disappears. They say you should let it sit on the grout for about an hour though. But that's not too difficult if you just spray it first, clean the rest of the bathroom, then go back and scrub away.

#4 - Baking Soda
Arms getting tired? Why just let that baking soda take over. This gentle scouring powder will lift those stubborn stains away. It also will clean silver, make your fridge stop smelling funky, and can clean your drains. The list could go on and on. Seriously, check out their website or the back of a box. And can I say cheap for this one. Like ridiculous. Like I may actually be able to afford gas to get to the store now!
#5 - Lemon Juice & Olive Oil
Polishing up that wood? Look no further than you kitchen. Just 1 cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup of lemon juice and you got yourself a polish for your hardwood. Also, soap scum. I know I recently mentioned my battle with that lovely buildup. Apparently adding a little lemon juice to your multipurpose solution should help solve that, but you only need a teaspoon or so. I thought about adding lemon peel instead, though, because I don't know how long the lemon would last in the solution. And as for me, I don't want to have to make these solutions every week. I am way too lazy for that.
Now with these 5 ingredients in stow. There is no surface left to be cleaned. I'll talk about a few that didn't make the list next just so you know a little more why I chose these. Even on "mother earth" type sites they list a few others to choose from...however, most of them have mixed reviews.
Let's just review my list for a minute...Simple. Check. Nontoxic. Check. Cheap. Check. Effective??
So far this sound too good to be true! No way can these can compete to the crazy chemical, lab-tested products out there. But a girl's gotta hope!
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