Friday, January 29


I have been a little anti-cold weather lately. Griping about goosebumps. Avoiding the outdoors. When in reality...winter brings some great things:

-I don't seem like a crazy person drinking hot tea in 100 degree weather.
-I love blankets. (especially my heated blanket on my bed)
-Boots. Scarves. Sweaters. Enough said.
-I have a greater appreciation for the heat in my car, hot showers, and certain areas of my house (aka below vents).
-I have an excuse not to run...or at least most people buy it.

And I have learned a lot this winter:

-One of my previous posts gave me two VERY important lessons..
-Also, do not wear hats for longer than an hour unless you want to wear it all day..even indoors. I can now sympathize with guys on this one. I stuck on a winter hat one day thinking it would be a cute accessory. I regretted that decision a few hours later when my two alternatives were exposing my matted, stringy hair stuck to my face or enduring my itchy hat keeping in oven hot heat. Sigh..I endured. No way was I uncovering my hideous hat hair!
-Make sure your boots have traction. This is hazardous on icy days. Mine, as I learned, unfortunately do not have this.
-Have a personal heater permanently attached to your hip. I mooch one of these all the time. (ask my friend Katie).
-And lastly, because cold weather and I don't seem to agree, I've learned to not drive but rather stay inside and make these waffles for breakfast instead. A good compromise for my independence.

Maybe these things are obvious to those Northern folk, but as a Southerner...I (as you can tell) have a lot to learn. Hopefully, someday I can learn to embrace arctic winds and treacherous roads. Until then I am comfortable at home snuggled up under blankets, reading a book and drinking tea...which are on the top of my list for today!

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