Sunday, January 17


I like to think that a particular social tendency I have stems from Thanksgiving...and the fact that I have sat at the kid's table too many years in a row. You see, when I am faced with socializing with an adult or 7th grader, my natural inclination is to converse with the latter. There comes a point when I should probably see that I have more in common with adults, but the mindset ingrained in me year after year was..."I am not an adult. I can't sit with adults." This held true this weekend. I didn't sit with any adults. I think I still see myself as a kid...even if my body says otherwise. This is what happens when you are the youngest in your family...and also the youngest on both sides of your extended family.

However, I am starting to see this as a great thing...I would love to be a kid forever. And hanging out with kids this Friday night made me miss being that age so much more. I want to have sleepovers. I want to play truth or dare. I want boys to have cooties again. Ok, maybe not that last one. Although, I loved watching their repulsed reactions when the movie we watched had a kissing scene...if only they knew.

I especially want to learn hoedown throwdown. I felt so left out when everyone knew it but me. I had no idea I was so out of the loop in kid culture. I can sing every word of Party in the USA, but didn't have a clue that this existed. This dance is to them like the macarena was for me. Sigh, those were the days.

Also, I thought I would include a picture of me and my girls from this weekend. I have realized I hardly ever include personal photos on this thing. Anyways, I know you aren't supposed to have favorites...but in my defense, NONE of the girls would ever be able to guess who my favorite is. So, since they don't read is the girl to the right of me with the brown hat. Olivia. Seriously the sweetest girl ever! And the best line dancer by far! Aren't they all so cute though? Gah, I love them all.

PS: How cute are these boots I wore this weekend! You can't see them in the picture above, but I just had to include them. I borrowed them from a friend and I definitely felt more western with those on my feet!


  1. Good job! You rocked the cowgirl look!

  2. It is amazing what your shoewear can do for your personality... did you have a southern accent when you put them on?

  3. I have a southern accent all the time...but I did say howdy several times that night.
