Something about movies with numbers in their titles. How to lose a guy in 10 days. 500 days of summer. I am just for some reason drawn to them. And let me just say...500 days is VERY refreshing. I saw it this last August..and watched it again this weekend. It is refreshing in that it is
Sunday, January 31
Saturday, January 30
What is it about looking at the past that always makes things seem so much better? Why do we sometimes remember all the good memories...and omit the bad? How is it that pain can simply fade with time? It ends up being a dichotomy of memory or expectation versus reality. Maybe idealization. Maybe it is the fact that we control things in our heads..because we can't in actuality. How much easier it is to view the world through the filter of our mind, than with straightforward truth. We rationalize, embellish, pretend, ignore...and we are good at it. At least I am. For example, I tell myself I am safe. Reality is...I am not, nor ever will be here on earth. An earthquake could happen any moment. My house could be robbed. My heart could stop beating. But I ignore this truth most of the time for my own peace of mind. I don't necessarily think that looking at life all the time as unsafe is the answer..or healthy. But it is slightly disturbing that when I sit down and think about I really living in reality...or in my own self-created world? I think when difficult or painful situations hit shakes us out of our "reality" into what is really real. We are not in control. And as pretty as we can make things look in our head...sometimes life is just not pretty. I'll stick with my nostalgic thoughts for now though...enough morbidity for a day. Sweet dreams. Hah.
Friday, January 29
Being confined to home is not conducive to my personality. I retract my kind statements about winter.
I have been a little anti-cold weather lately. Griping about goosebumps. Avoiding the outdoors. When in reality...winter brings some great things:
-I don't seem like a crazy person drinking hot tea in 100 degree weather.
-I love blankets. (especially my heated blanket on my bed)
-Boots. Scarves. Sweaters. Enough said.
-I have a greater appreciation for the heat in my car, hot showers, and certain areas of my house (aka below vents).
-I have an excuse not to run...or at least most people buy it.
And I have learned a lot this winter:
-One of my previous posts gave me two VERY important lessons..
-Also, do not wear hats for longer than an hour unless you want to wear it all day..even indoors. I can now sympathize with guys on this one. I stuck on a winter hat one day thinking it would be a cute accessory. I regretted that decision a few hours later when my two alternatives were exposing my matted, stringy hair stuck to my face or enduring my itchy hat keeping in oven hot heat. Sigh..I endured. No way was I uncovering my hideous hat hair!
-Make sure your boots have traction. This is hazardous on icy days. Mine, as I learned, unfortunately do not have this.
-Have a personal heater permanently attached to your hip. I mooch one of these all the time. (ask my friend Katie).
-And lastly, because cold weather and I don't seem to agree, I've learned to not drive but rather stay inside and make these waffles for breakfast instead. A good compromise for my independence.
Maybe these things are obvious to those Northern folk, but as a Southerner...I (as you can tell) have a lot to learn. Hopefully, someday I can learn to embrace arctic winds and treacherous roads. Until then I am comfortable at home snuggled up under blankets, reading a book and drinking tea...which are on the top of my list for today!
Thursday, January 28
I have been a little anti-cold weather lately. Griping about goosebumps. Avoiding the outdoors. When in reality...winter brings some great things:
-I don't seem like a crazy person drinking hot tea in 100 degree weather.
-I love blankets. (especially my heated blanket on my bed)
-Boots. Scarves. Sweaters. Enough said.
-I have a greater appreciation for the heat in my car, hot showers, and certain areas of my house (aka below vents).
-I have an excuse not to run...or at least most people buy it.
And I have learned a lot this winter:
-One of my previous posts gave me two VERY important lessons..
-Do not wear hats for longer than an hour unless you want to wear it all day..even indoors. I can now sympathize with guys on this one. I stuck on a winter hat one day thinking it would be a cute accessory. I regretted that decision a few hours later when my two alternatives were exposing my matted, stringy hair stuck to my face or enduring the itchy, sweaty hat keeping in oven hot heat. Sigh..I endured. No way was I uncovering my hideous hat hair!
-Make sure your boots have traction. This is hazardous on icy days. Mine, as I learned, unfortunately do not have this.
-Have a personal heater permanently attached to your hip. I mooch one of these all the time. (ask my friend Katie).
-And lastly,
Maybe these things are obvious to those Northern folk, but as a Southerner...I (as you can tell) have a lot to learn.
-I don't seem like a crazy person drinking hot tea in 100 degree weather.
-I love blankets. (especially my heated blanket on my bed)
-Boots. Scarves. Sweaters. Enough said.
-I have a greater appreciation for the heat in my car, hot showers, and certain areas of my house (aka below vents).
-I have an excuse not to run...or at least most people buy it.
And I have learned a lot this winter:
-One of my previous posts gave me two VERY important lessons..
-Do not wear hats for longer than an hour unless you want to wear it all day..even indoors. I can now sympathize with guys on this one. I stuck on a winter hat one day thinking it would be a cute accessory. I regretted that decision a few hours later when my two alternatives were exposing my matted, stringy hair stuck to my face or enduring the itchy, sweaty hat keeping in oven hot heat. Sigh..I endured. No way was I uncovering my hideous hat hair!
-Make sure your boots have traction. This is hazardous on icy days. Mine, as I learned, unfortunately do not have this.
-Have a personal heater permanently attached to your hip. I mooch one of these all the time. (ask my friend Katie).
-And lastly,
Maybe these things are obvious to those Northern folk, but as a Southerner...I (as you can tell) have a lot to learn.
I think as the temperature drops, I instinctively pull out a pan to start cooking. I am beginning to see it as self preservation. Normally I freeze all the time in the winter. But I actually stay warm working over boiling water and a 400 degree oven. Today, I decided to take on the challenge of all least to me. It is one of the things I really wanted to make when I first starting cooking, and just haven't gotten around to. When I find easy meals, I flip right past. A 30 minute meal, I yawn. What inspires me to taking on something that I am not sure will turn out. It is that anticipation of complete failure that thrills me, and actually makes me feel as though I accomplished something significant when it turns out. The negative is when it doesn't...which is basically anytime I do something for the first tonight. Luckily, so far when my food hasn't turned out it is still edible...just slightly chewier.
On tonight's menu was cheese ravioli with tomato sauce...but the tricky all was made from scratch. Even down to my ricotta cheese.
That's right. You can make ricotta cheese just from milk and buttermilk. Simple as that! This was the most exciting discovery. You simply heat the milk until it begins to curd. Skim the top layer and place in a cheesecloth lined colander. Here's what it looks like in the pot...

...and once it is in the colander. I was a little worried whether I would know if I did it correct or not. But trust really is simple. Well at least as far as I know, I didn't mess this part up. Although, I am sure some chef would groan watching my technique.

Then on to the fun part...and my downfall. If only I were more patient...or had a machine to make pasta. I got bored and tired rolling it out and didn't make it thin enough. The uncooked dough is a lot tougher than most that I am used to working with. Having a machine would have come in handy. Or else I am just too much of a wimp. Well, both are probably true...

Anyways, thick pasta and all, I boiled the ravioli and added the sauce. Here is the finished product...walah! Now if only it were as simple as that pictures makes you believe...

It is crazy, though, to think that I just started with eggs, flour, milk, and tomatoes...and ended up with that!
On tonight's menu was cheese ravioli with tomato sauce...but the tricky all was made from scratch. Even down to my ricotta cheese.
That's right. You can make ricotta cheese just from milk and buttermilk. Simple as that! This was the most exciting discovery. You simply heat the milk until it begins to curd. Skim the top layer and place in a cheesecloth lined colander. Here's what it looks like in the pot...
...and once it is in the colander. I was a little worried whether I would know if I did it correct or not. But trust really is simple. Well at least as far as I know, I didn't mess this part up. Although, I am sure some chef would groan watching my technique.
Then on to the fun part...and my downfall. If only I were more patient...or had a machine to make pasta. I got bored and tired rolling it out and didn't make it thin enough. The uncooked dough is a lot tougher than most that I am used to working with. Having a machine would have come in handy. Or else I am just too much of a wimp. Well, both are probably true...
Anyways, thick pasta and all, I boiled the ravioli and added the sauce. Here is the finished product...walah! Now if only it were as simple as that pictures makes you believe...
It is crazy, though, to think that I just started with eggs, flour, milk, and tomatoes...and ended up with that!
Wednesday, January 27
I don't know why it is this way. But it just is. I love Valentines Day. It probably is my favorite holiday. I know, I know. There are a lot of V-Day haters out there. And I completely understand your reasoning...but hear me out.
I agree that forcing romantic gifts is not very romantic. I agree that it puts unnecessary pressure on you if you have a significant other. I agree it can pronounce your lack of love if you don't have a significant other. Singles awareness day as some like to refer to it. BUT...
I like it because:
1. I like hearts. I didn't realize how much until I recently discovered an old notebook of mine full of hearts and "i love hearts" written all across the page. Apparently this is a love that goes back to age 7.
2. It is the closest holiday to my birthday...and has provided several birthday party themes over the years. I didn't get a cool February birthday like the I liked to pretend that I was a Valentines baby.
3. My dad gives me a flower every year. And I am a sucker for traditions.
4. Target comes out with the cutest decorations. I caved and bought this cup a couple weeks ago. I am also the owner of a blanket from a previous Valentines. I think it brings out my inner super girly side. If it has hearts on it...I secretly want it.
I agree that forcing romantic gifts is not very romantic. I agree that it puts unnecessary pressure on you if you have a significant other. I agree it can pronounce your lack of love if you don't have a significant other. Singles awareness day as some like to refer to it. BUT...
I like it because:
1. I like hearts. I didn't realize how much until I recently discovered an old notebook of mine full of hearts and "i love hearts" written all across the page. Apparently this is a love that goes back to age 7.
2. It is the closest holiday to my birthday...and has provided several birthday party themes over the years. I didn't get a cool February birthday like the I liked to pretend that I was a Valentines baby.
3. My dad gives me a flower every year. And I am a sucker for traditions.
4. Target comes out with the cutest decorations. I caved and bought this cup a couple weeks ago. I am also the owner of a blanket from a previous Valentines. I think it brings out my inner super girly side. If it has hearts on it...I secretly want it.

5. I like to look at it as a day to show love to EVERYone! I have celebrated other years by giving valentines to the elderly, foster kids, sick kids. Love is great..and should be celebrated.
Maybe these in themselves are not the most convincing reasons to participate in this holiday...but they are the things that make me excited for February 14th to roll around. I can guarantee you I won't be wearing black. (although, I also refuse to wear holiday colors on the actual you won't see me in pink or red either)
Happy Early V-Day!! I love ALL my readers!
Tuesday, January 26
So what started out as a typical day quickly escalated to the most disturbing, horrifying afternoon. Let me explain.
Most of my afternoons at work are spent snacking. I am a boredom eater. I can't help it. And it helps me make it through those long afternoons. Snack breaks are my smoking breaks. Anyways, I had already made my way through a bag of popcorn and was onto my fruit cup...when lo, and behold..this is what I found!

Thought I grabbed a can of mushrooms instead of my peaches. Nope. I instantly lost my appetite. For life. And had to keep the vomiting impulse in check. Disgusting. There are no other words. Well I have a few words for Del Monte after today...and not very nice. This image will forever be ingrained in my mind...and now yours. Enjoy. (Although, at this point you'd have to dig through 3 layers of sealed trash to rescue out these "special" peaches.)
Most of my afternoons at work are spent snacking. I am a boredom eater. I can't help it. And it helps me make it through those long afternoons. Snack breaks are my smoking breaks. Anyways, I had already made my way through a bag of popcorn and was onto my fruit cup...when lo, and behold..this is what I found!

Thought I grabbed a can of mushrooms instead of my peaches. Nope. I instantly lost my appetite. For life. And had to keep the vomiting impulse in check. Disgusting. There are no other words. Well I have a few words for Del Monte after today...and not very nice. This image will forever be ingrained in my mind...and now yours. Enjoy. (Although, at this point you'd have to dig through 3 layers of sealed trash to rescue out these "special" peaches.)
Monday, January 25
My shower for Jess & Wes...

We started off with food...

Even pretend cupcakes (which are actually made from baby socks and washcloths)...

We welcomed him with festive decorations...

and the cutest gifts...

We played fun games and offered advice...

We smiled for the camera (but left room for Aunt Brittany in Turkey)...

And ended with little favors in baby food jars...

Now if only Wesley will hurry up and come!! (or at least kick for his Aunt Jen)
We started off with food...
Even pretend cupcakes (which are actually made from baby socks and washcloths)...
We welcomed him with festive decorations...
and the cutest gifts...
We played fun games and offered advice...
We smiled for the camera (but left room for Aunt Brittany in Turkey)...
And ended with little favors in baby food jars...
Now if only Wesley will hurry up and come!! (or at least kick for his Aunt Jen)

I have run into a problem with cooking. It has made me realize how bad some of the stuff I make is. Like for instance I made cupcakes and frosting from scratch this weekend. Now instead of enjoying them today at work...I keep thinking about how many sticks of butter I used and thinking about it makes me sick. Someone at the shower yesterday said that whoever I marry someday is probably going to be fat. Hah. That is true..unless I get so repulsed I stop making these horribly fattening things. Although, in defense of those recipes, they don't use all the unnatural preservative stuff that is supposed to give you cancer. I choose obesity over cancer any day.
Ugh. Eating two cupcakes at work today was a little over ambitious. Bad idea. Now I AM sick.
Sunday, January 24
I didn't realize how focused I am when I work on design stuff until...
This weekend I found myself listening to the same song on repeat for 2 whole hours. Then I realized..wait...I think I heard this before. In my defense, I was listening to Joe Purdy and all his stuff sounds the same. But still...that is ridiculous! It is the same at work. It normally takes me an hour (no exaggeration..sadly) with my earphones in my ears to realize I forgot to turn my ipod on. Half the day it looks like I am listening to music...little does everyone know I can actually hear every conversation going on.
The more I think about it...I really think I picked up this bad habit in college working on my projects. I would forget about eating, going to the bathroom...all those basic things you have to do to live. Well...I wouldn't forget. I just wouldn't process anything other than what I was working on so it took me several hours of "thinking" about it...before I made the connection that I should actually do it. It is kind of pitiful when I think about it. Although, that kind of focus is intense! Hah. Now if only I could move objects just by focusing on them...
Well all my attention the past few days has been on getting everything together for the shower I threw my sister in law today! I was so glad I got to do some baby stuff with her before I leave. Pictures to come...
This weekend I found myself listening to the same song on repeat for 2 whole hours. Then I realized..wait...I think I heard this before. In my defense, I was listening to Joe Purdy and all his stuff sounds the same. But still...that is ridiculous! It is the same at work. It normally takes me an hour (no exaggeration..sadly) with my earphones in my ears to realize I forgot to turn my ipod on. Half the day it looks like I am listening to music...little does everyone know I can actually hear every conversation going on.
The more I think about it...I really think I picked up this bad habit in college working on my projects. I would forget about eating, going to the bathroom...all those basic things you have to do to live. Well...I wouldn't forget. I just wouldn't process anything other than what I was working on so it took me several hours of "thinking" about it...before I made the connection that I should actually do it. It is kind of pitiful when I think about it. Although, that kind of focus is intense! Hah. Now if only I could move objects just by focusing on them...
Well all my attention the past few days has been on getting everything together for the shower I threw my sister in law today! I was so glad I got to do some baby stuff with her before I leave. Pictures to come...
Wednesday, January 20
So if today's post seems is probably because my head feels like it is a big blown up balloon. I believe there is a commercial illustrating this feeling. I had no idea how accurate it was. I am sad to announce that the pride I have had in my immune system has come to a crashing fall in the last 24 hours. Not only have I developed the cold I have been fighting off for the past week, but the blood results of my doctor's visit last week confirmed that I am still having problems with my liver. I was so excited that I have not gotten sick since I had mono this last May...thinking my immune system was back to normal. Guess I was wrong...being healthy is overrated anyways right?
So this morning I stopped to pick up some cold medicine. Nothing is more confusing or frustrating to me than this. When I actually feel bad enough to pick out medicine...normally that means I feel bad enough that I can't think clearly to pick out what I need. 12 hour...4 hour..drowsy..non-drowsy...there are just too many choices. Torturous to me because I want medicine so bad and I am just standing there staring at it. So close to feeling better but yet so far. I always end up buying the wrong thing.
I think its bad that it is still morning and I am already ready for bed tonight. I wonder if they would notice if I took a nap under my desk...
I think its bad that it is still morning and I am already ready for bed tonight. I wonder if they would notice if I took a nap under my desk...
Tuesday, January 19
It is official. Singlehandedly, in a matter of moments, I destroyed 5 years of hard work in school, 2 years of tireless labor at my job. All for a volunteer position. Have I lost my mind? Probably.
Monday, January 18
I know that I should probably get some sleep. 2 hours of sleep last night and a full day of work later...I am exhausted. Yet these girls that have captured my heart are the very thing that keep me from sleeping. I just had turned off my light, settled into my comfortable bed...and processed the last few chapters of a book I am reading on sex trafficking. The emotions from the stories I read seem to hit me in waves. Waves of shock, hope, horror, and grief. And what hit me tonight, in a deeper way than ever, is that as I lie in my bed..right at this very moment..those "stories" I read are happening. It is when you begin to not just see those horrors as true, but real...that is when your heart breaks. And mine is breaking tonight. And all I have now are words on a page. In just a few weeks, I am going to be confronted with faces. I won't be reading about these girls' experiences, I will be hearing about them. As painful as it is to learn about these things, I hope I never become callous to the hell these girls live in.
To say that my mind and heart are in other places than Memphis right now is pretty accurate. Something I read tonight reminded me of my time in the Philippines. I worked with a similar sort of ministry there as they cared for girls coming out of sexually abusive homes...most often from their stepfathers. The book spoke about the power of something as simple as a smile...of looking into each of these girls' eyes with love and just smiling. For most of them...that is something that has never happened to them. The darkness of their slavery has shadowed even that small light. No words are even necessary.
Well, this reminded me of one particular girl when I was in the Philippines...Marilou. This girl and her experiences were more heart wrenching to me than any other in the house, because she was mentally challenged. Who would DARE sexually abuse an 8 year old girl...much less one that doesn't even fully understand her surroundings? But communicating with her was more difficult than any other girl there. We had the language barrier...but also a mental barrier. Yet never have I see the power of "just a smile" become such a precious thing. It was our thing. I couldn't really talk to her, but my smile..and eventually her smile back became our constant communication throughout my weeks there.
All I know is February 14th can't come soon enough. My heart literally aches to give even just a smile to these girls who have been so oppressed to not have experienced that. Yet how much more is there than that...complete healing and recovery may seem impossible with all they have gone through...but not with the God that I have come to know and see work. And this is what I cling to!
To say that my mind and heart are in other places than Memphis right now is pretty accurate. Something I read tonight reminded me of my time in the Philippines. I worked with a similar sort of ministry there as they cared for girls coming out of sexually abusive homes...most often from their stepfathers. The book spoke about the power of something as simple as a smile...of looking into each of these girls' eyes with love and just smiling. For most of them...that is something that has never happened to them. The darkness of their slavery has shadowed even that small light. No words are even necessary.
Well, this reminded me of one particular girl when I was in the Philippines...Marilou. This girl and her experiences were more heart wrenching to me than any other in the house, because she was mentally challenged. Who would DARE sexually abuse an 8 year old girl...much less one that doesn't even fully understand her surroundings? But communicating with her was more difficult than any other girl there. We had the language barrier...but also a mental barrier. Yet never have I see the power of "just a smile" become such a precious thing. It was our thing. I couldn't really talk to her, but my smile..and eventually her smile back became our constant communication throughout my weeks there.
All I know is February 14th can't come soon enough. My heart literally aches to give even just a smile to these girls who have been so oppressed to not have experienced that. Yet how much more is there than that...complete healing and recovery may seem impossible with all they have gone through...but not with the God that I have come to know and see work. And this is what I cling to!
Another great reason to be a would be a holiday. And my alarm this morning most definitely confirmed it is NOT a holiday.
So, here I am at work, having to deal with my awesome work computer. Not only did it take about an hour...3 MNB employees...and a tech guy to start my computer this morning. It also went crazy and started doing unexplainable things 30 minutes ago...which confirmed the fact that I really think my computer is schizo. It needs serious help. And so do I after having to use it everyday for 2 years.
So, here I am at work, having to deal with my awesome work computer. Not only did it take about an hour...3 MNB employees...and a tech guy to start my computer this morning. It also went crazy and started doing unexplainable things 30 minutes ago...which confirmed the fact that I really think my computer is schizo. It needs serious help. And so do I after having to use it everyday for 2 years.
Sunday, January 17
I like to think that a particular social tendency I have stems from Thanksgiving...and the fact that I have sat at the kid's table too many years in a row. You see, when I am faced with socializing with an adult or 7th grader, my natural inclination is to converse with the latter. There comes a point when I should probably see that I have more in common with adults, but the mindset ingrained in me year after year was..."I am not an adult. I can't sit with adults." This held true this weekend. I didn't sit with any adults. I think I still see myself as a kid...even if my body says otherwise. This is what happens when you are the youngest in your family...and also the youngest on both sides of your extended family.
However, I am starting to see this as a great thing...I would love to be a kid forever. And hanging out with kids this Friday night made me miss being that age so much more. I want to have sleepovers. I want to play truth or dare. I want boys to have cooties again. Ok, maybe not that last one. Although, I loved watching their repulsed reactions when the movie we watched had a kissing scene...if only they knew.
I especially want to learn hoedown throwdown. I felt so left out when everyone knew it but me. I had no idea I was so out of the loop in kid culture. I can sing every word of Party in the USA, but didn't have a clue that this existed. This dance is to them like the macarena was for me. Sigh, those were the days.

Also, I thought I would include a picture of me and my girls from this weekend. I have realized I hardly ever include personal photos on this thing. Anyways, I know you aren't supposed to have favorites...but in my defense, NONE of the girls would ever be able to guess who my favorite is. So, since they don't read is the girl to the right of me with the brown hat. Olivia. Seriously the sweetest girl ever! And the best line dancer by far! Aren't they all so cute though? Gah, I love them all.
PS: How cute are these boots I wore this weekend! You can't see them in the picture above, but I just had to include them. I borrowed them from a friend and I definitely felt more western with those on my feet!
However, I am starting to see this as a great thing...I would love to be a kid forever. And hanging out with kids this Friday night made me miss being that age so much more. I want to have sleepovers. I want to play truth or dare. I want boys to have cooties again. Ok, maybe not that last one. Although, I loved watching their repulsed reactions when the movie we watched had a kissing scene...if only they knew.
I especially want to learn hoedown throwdown. I felt so left out when everyone knew it but me. I had no idea I was so out of the loop in kid culture. I can sing every word of Party in the USA, but didn't have a clue that this existed. This dance is to them like the macarena was for me. Sigh, those were the days.
Also, I thought I would include a picture of me and my girls from this weekend. I have realized I hardly ever include personal photos on this thing. Anyways, I know you aren't supposed to have favorites...but in my defense, NONE of the girls would ever be able to guess who my favorite is. So, since they don't read is the girl to the right of me with the brown hat. Olivia. Seriously the sweetest girl ever! And the best line dancer by far! Aren't they all so cute though? Gah, I love them all.
PS: How cute are these boots I wore this weekend! You can't see them in the picture above, but I just had to include them. I borrowed them from a friend and I definitely felt more western with those on my feet!
Friday, January 15
What have I gotten myself into? Not to worry..I really am excited. I am just afraid my excitement might fade at 3 in the morning when all I hear are giggling girls voices and can't sleep. You see, I am volunteering at my church's kids lock-in tonight. It will be fun because they put me in the room with my 4th-6th grade girls. And they were excited I was going to be with them...which is reassuring because half the time I think I am way more obsessed with them than they are with me.
The theme for tonight is..if you couldn't tell by my title...western. I am thinking my little road trip to Dallas/Ft. Worth a year ago will be helpful. My friend and I went to a rodeo while we were there and I was able to pick up a lot of the lingo...such as "howdy" and hobbies like chewing tobacco. I should be set for tonight. Except, I have yet to figure out what I am going to wear. And I want to go all out. I love dressing up for stuff like this. And haven't dressed up with them since my first week teaching when I dressed up as an aerobics instructor to introduce our theme for the year. No side ponytails or sweat bands tonight, it is gonna be pigtails and boots instead! Ah, it makes me excited just thinking about it!
I was trying to remember the last time I actually wore western garb and realized it was my freshman year of college. I went to an event put on by RUF at MC and we went out to this barn in the middle of nowhere. It was fun as we square and line danced. But the main memory I have was being completely disgusted by an "event" if you want to call it that...spitting crickets. Who does that? Apparently lots of people that I was with..yet, I could not bring myself to try spitting a live cricket. However, my daring and adventurous side at that point was hardly existent so I imagine if presented with that opportunity again I would do it. Or at least just eat it...
Thursday, January 14
I don't really have anything to say today...besides the fact that I am about to get stuck with a ton of needles. And no, I don't have a drug problem. I have a doctor's appt. today. They seem to love to make taking my blood as difficult a process as possible. Several nurses are needed, plus both my arms and hands. Needles don't really bother me that much. But their technique does.
Anyways, speaking of doctors...if you need a good cry, read this blog. {} Their honesty through their journey of cancer is refreshing and brings tears to my eyes. Their post "Transparency" is a good example of their vulnerability and honesty...but you gotta start at the beginning!
Anyways, speaking of doctors...if you need a good cry, read this blog. {} Their honesty through their journey of cancer is refreshing and brings tears to my eyes. Their post "Transparency" is a good example of their vulnerability and honesty...but you gotta start at the beginning!
Wednesday, January 13
I can tell I really like a song when it always seems too short or I am disappointed when it ends. Don't Panic by Coldplay has always been one of those for me...2 minutes and 16 seconds is WAY too short...maybe I should just play it on repeat and try to fool myself.
I thought I would include a photo of my baby shower invites I sent out at the end of last week. I know I promised forever ago that I would post my Christmas party invites and never did...but I am hopeful that a new year means better follow through...hopefully!
I don't think I am more excited about anything in my life than becoming an aunt. Don't be surprised if you see my nephew sporting everything from onesies, to hats, to jackets, to blankets with "i love my aunt jen" on them. I am working on a whole baby line with just such an insignia. It just worries me about how much more this could be magnified when I have children myself. Although, I am skeptical I will be as excited since I will actually have to take care of them all the time and have no one to pass them off to when they get unruly...well maybe my future husband. Hah..No, but I really think aunt is the way to go.
Anyways, those invites are for a baby shower I am throwing for my sister-in-law before I head off in February. I am excited that I won't be missing out on this part..because most likely I will miss his actual birth. (tears most likely will be shed in Cambodia.) However, I was right about the sex of the baby, so since I put the day I come back to Memphis as his birthday...I am hoping I am right about that as well. I can't think of a better welcome home present! :)
Tuesday, January 12
So I was horrified when I actually reviewed what I have eaten today....the list is as follows: bacon, bagel, pizza, fried pickles, and a cupcake. The only decent thing I have had is cheerios. I know their commercials swear to do amazing things for your health..but I doubt that enough of those o's have entered my body to counteract all the crap I have already consumed.
Sick. I am thinking salad for dinner.
Monday, January 11
I could attempt to weave 3 completely random things together to create this seamless and cohesive post. Yeah, but I'm not. So brace yourself for the random things that have consumed my mind today at work...

For you domestic diva fans, I finally cooked something yesterday. I burnt myself out after cooking 10 desserts in 2 days in December. This was the first time I have made anything besides Christmas breakfast. And it was nice. There is something about putting on an apron, blaring Ray, and making soup...especially when it is negative 20 degrees outside. It makes me extremely happy. I have decided that baking is a science, and cooking is an art, an art where I happily omit measuring cups and just put in what I want. I may not be free and loose when it comes to my drawing style..but man am I when it comes to cooking. So here's a picture of my cheddar potato soup..of which I am eating as I type. Gotta love having leftovers..or at least no more hot pockets in my lunch.
Lately, I have been shocked so much more than normal. Static is everywhere. A conversation I had actually sparked this thought. Wow..honestly didn't mean for that to be a pun. Anyways, I have been wondering what causes it more in the winter. I thought someone once told me it was because the air is drier. I wasn't sure so I looked it up. This link actually explains in a little more detail why that is true. So interesting...
And lastly, can't forget guyliner. Something I don't hear about or see often because I don't live in a trendy or artsy city. But something that was the subject of a conversation I had this morning. And let me just clarify, for you guys considering it, it is NOT attractive. Just sayin...but apparently this sort of fellow is not repulsive to everyone and happens to be the object of someone's crush. I just know it isn't me. Apparently these guys have so much creativity in them that they must draw on their faces too. Please someone buy them a lifetime supply of canvas and charcoal. Please!
Sunday, January 10
Today I am exactly 5 weeks away from boarding a plane to Cambodia. Something I hear a lot is "Are you excited? How do you feel?" Honestly, I think any answer I would give would be that I feel just about every emotion possible about this new phase of life I am entering. I am definitely nervous because I will be traveling completely by myself to a country I have never been to and I don't even know where I am living once I am there. So yeah...that could be interesting. Yet I am so excited and cannot wait to meet all these people I have been communicating with through email the past few months...and to do something that seems like a perfect fit with what I love. I am also sad as there are things here in Memphis that are ending too. My life is a jumble of emotion. Plus, I am a girl..add a couple extra in there just for that.
So this weekend seemed to be a rather typical weekend, yet, to me, not at all. I was so excited I got to take a mini trip with some of my friends up to Nashville. But that also meant seeing my friend who lives there for the last time before I leave. I don't believe in such things as goodbyes..well at least not with my good friends...but "see ya later"s are not a whole lot better.
Then, I come back home to give my first official presentation about my trip to part of my parent's church. I feel like this marked a new phase in my process of leaving. It also conjured up lots of flashbacks to my oral communication class...luckily though, I didn't make up anything or anyone in my talk today. Maybe I have matured since my juvenile college days. (I like the liberty I have to sound really old just because I have graduated from college..even if it was less than a year ago) As nervous as I get though, I think I secretly enjoy speaking in front of groups...which is good because I have many more to go.
And lastly, I finished my last Sunday of working in the baby room during the service at my church. This of course needed to be a monumental day since it was my last day. I was wondering what could have topped it when earlier this year I was exposed to the swine flu through the cutest curly haired kid in the class. (Yes, of course, I was the one holding her the whole time) So with all that happening, I knew it would take a lot. But believe it or happened. My time spent holding the sweetest babies climaxed with baby Grady drinking 4 oz. of his bottle and proceeding to spit it ALL up on me. I knew it was likely and had even taken the necessary precautions..but to no avail. He turned his head right at the perfect moment. Did I mention how much I love kids? Hah. Not a huge fan at times like that, but then he proceeded to cuddle with me the rest of the time so I forgave him pretty quickly.
So what seemed to be just a typical weekend was really the end of a couple things...but the beginning of so much more! I am simply excited, nervous, sad, happy, uncertain, passionate, and ready for my trip to begin!!
Friday, January 8
Thursday, January 7
I would like to preface this post by stating that I really am a laid back person. Go with the flow. Very flexible. I had to learn many ways to say this, because when I was in the Philippines a couple years ago, they had never heard that term before. Probably because that is just normal for them...while us Westerners can be a little more intense. With all this being said...
The second I step into a Hobby Lobby my laid back personality fades away. Rage ensues. I must have a sign stamped on my forehead that says "Please make my shopping experience as miserable as possible". Because that basically is what it ends up being...without fail. If you want to make me rant for hours on end, just ask me to pick up something in that store. The sad thing is I have already vented about my experience in person today...and it still is not enough. Nothing infuriates me more than Hobby Lobby. Bizarre, I know. But you also haven't shopped with me there...
Normally, I run when I get upset. However, it is too cold. Well, that and slippery. Not a good combination. I am needing to come up with an alternative strategy anyways once I leave for Cambodia...and the best one was actually suggested to me this afternoon. Jump rope! I will be training like a hard core boxer...and it may be starting tonight.
The second I step into a Hobby Lobby my laid back personality fades away. Rage ensues. I must have a sign stamped on my forehead that says "Please make my shopping experience as miserable as possible". Because that basically is what it ends up being...without fail. If you want to make me rant for hours on end, just ask me to pick up something in that store. The sad thing is I have already vented about my experience in person today...and it still is not enough. Nothing infuriates me more than Hobby Lobby. Bizarre, I know. But you also haven't shopped with me there...
Normally, I run when I get upset. However, it is too cold. Well, that and slippery. Not a good combination. I am needing to come up with an alternative strategy anyways once I leave for Cambodia...and the best one was actually suggested to me this afternoon. Jump rope! I will be training like a hard core boxer...and it may be starting tonight.
Wednesday, January 6
After this morning, it pretty much confirmed the fact that I should never move to someplace like Minnesota. I consider myself to have decent common sense, but for some reason, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees, that goes out the window. This morning it was colder than normal and my windshield was moderately frosted. I thought, pouring water over it would help. What I didn't take into account is that when I normally do that, the air is twice as warm so the water doesn't refreeze. Well, this froze, creating an even thicker frosted windshield. So I go inside, thinking I will use my time wisely, and warm up my mittens that I left in my car last night. A quick zap in the microwave is all it takes, right? Apparently not if your mittens have tiny metallic yarn in them. Bad idea. So all my brilliant ideas of how to manage the cold weather only left me with a block of ice obstructing my view and burnt mittens. Not quite the morning I was hoping for...
Tuesday, January 5
One of my guilty pleasures, besides listening to Miley Cyrus, is watching the Bachelor. Especially this season (sigh..Jake)! However, I feel that my interest is similar to those American Idol fans at the beginning of the season. Half of me genuinely enjoys the show and the other half enjoys mocking those deciding to flaunt their desperation. It is people-watching in the comfort of my own home. Beautiful. What is especially interesting is the first meeting of each of the girls with the lucky bachelor. In just a couple minutes, that impression is the only first impression he will ever have. So why use an over used expression like, "did you register those guns? (grabbing his arm)" or give him your fake engagement ring that you wear from your pretend fiance or simply stare into his eyes and say how in love with him you ALREADY are. Crazy...but SO entertaining!
Another part of the show that made laugh was how several of the girls mentioned the previous show and how they could have slapped Jillian for letting him go. Little did they know, Jillian would be showing up later to quiz them and help Jake decide. Ah, irony. Ladies, who knew your chance to act would come so soon! ...(much to my disappointment) none seemed to seize the opportunity. Although, that might have made it a little too Jerry Springeresque.
It also looks like this season will be "the most dramatic season yet"...which to me is the same thing as telling your girlfriend or boyfriend you like them more than you did your ex. It seems to be just an empty can keep saying that to the most recent person. It isn't untrue, but it isn't saying a lot either.
The only thing that, even after the first night, I feel will wear on my nerves is the overused analogies to flying. Yes, he is a pilot. Yes, that is attractive. Yes, he is attractive. :) But I really should have counted the times girls referred to themselves as wanting to be his co-pilot. They think they are being creative and witty, but what they don't know is they are the fifth girl to tell him that. I bet he will wish for a different profession by the end of this season. Although the cheesy pickup lines do seem to diminish as the season goes on.
Anyways, all I know is that my Monday nights from 7-9 are now officially booked.
P.S. I was thoroughly surprised when Channy spoke Cambodian to him. Although, I don't think that is the first phrase I want to learn...
Monday, January 4
I will admit to being known at several Starbucks in the Memphis area as a "regular". That is the first step to recovering from an addiction, right? I always thought I knew the definition of a regular, but only recently have I realized that I only got the first half of it correct. A regular is someone who frequents the same establishment on a regular basis to the point where almost all employees recognize said person upon entering. You know you have earned this title when those employees make your drink or food item without you even having to order it. This has happened to me on numerous occasions. Although, I don't know if I should brag about that... Anyways, the part that I forgot to include is that those same employees also assume that because you go to the same place everyday that you also want the same item everyday. This can create rather awkward moments. Well, at least it did for me today. My co-worker and I go to the same Starbucks by our work frequently. Not everyday, but often enough that they know us. Well, today I go and order a tall awake tea. After the guy makes it, another worker asks if they are all out of earl grey tea. As I was walking away, I heard her surprisingly ask, "Did she not want earl grey tea??" Ok, so in her defense, 90% of the time I will order earl grey there. But I think I am garnering the reputation as a consistent sort of customer...when in reality that only refers to my presence. I don't mean to throw them off or crush their pride in "knowing" me well enough. Yet the confused and shocked looks almost make me want to order the same thing each time. I am beginning to wish I wasn't a such a regular after all...
Sunday, January 3
So one of my favorite things about traveling is packing. I think I look at it as the challenge of condensing my life into two little bags...something I consider rather difficult. Well, today I did a "pre-pack" of my trip to Cambodia. Mainly because I have been internally freaking out since Christmas when I saw my new luggage again. It seemed to have shrunk since I picked it out over Thanksgiving. What once were bags I would hardly be able to lift, now look like suitcases that will only be able to hold a towel and pair of shoes. Not quite the wardrobe I was hoping for. I opted for the smaller suitcases thinking they would be easier to manage, especially since I will be traveling alone. Well, nice thought for the first 47 hours of my trip. After that I may be regretting my light travel options. As a girl, one would naturally assume that my clothes and shoes overflow the bags. Reality is my books and journals are what have me worried. I could easily pack an entire suitcase (my larger one) full of just that. However, testing out the size of my suitcases today proved there will be some purging that has to occur. Choices, choices. And those that know me, know my decision making skills. Well, let's just say it is a good thing I am starting now...
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