I just have to say...my life today was out of movie!! Seriously! That kind of stuff just doesn't ever happen to me...
Oh...yeah..I guess I will just have to fill you in later. Hope your curiosity doesn't kill you!
Tuesday, February 16
Friday, February 12
Oh yeah, and here is just a glimpse of my birthday! The further I get from 21, the older and older I feel. I actually didn't mind this year when the waiter guessed I was 17. I don't have photos from my awesome birthday surprises last night. But I seriously have the most amazing friends EVER! And I loved spending my actual birthday with the fam. I think I appreciate all the time with people because I know it is quickly coming to an end. This was definitely my best birthday year yet!
(And yes, for some reason we lost our number four candle. I was forced to improvise...)
I am leaving for Cambodia in less than 2 days!!!! So don't expect a lot of blogging for the next couple weeks (at least I don't think so)...but you can read my trip blog. And I will return to my lovely blog once I get all settled. Let's just hope that that is sooner rather than later. I can write from the streets..which at this point is where I will be living. Hah. All I know is I will be glad when my living details are confirmed once for all. Although it wouldn't be an adventure if I knew all that...and I probably shouldn't jump ahead. I still have to make all my flights and not get lost or anything. I am kind of a spastic traveler. I just have this bad habit of not noticing signage. Gate number. Simple..but I look right past it. I don't even mean to. I had first time luck when I traveled to the Philippines. But this trip will be the true test...oh dear. Hopefully next time I write I will actually be in Cambodia...
Tuesday, February 9
Since I am going to be all grown up tomorrow, I need to get my childlike complaining out of the way tonight.That picture below should have been the photo for this post. I am tired. My eyes are swelling shut. My body aches. I can't think straight. I want bed. And my list of things to do before I leave seems to grow by the minute. Geez...if only things will quit breaking on me. And I don't want to pack and run errands, I just want to hang out with my friendssss.
I am highly ambitious with my alarm times. 7:00. I push snooze upwards of 7 times before turning it off. (This is magnified in cold weather)
Eventually I am brave enough to push off my heated blanket, only to quickly pull it back up. I compare it to swimming in really cold pools. I am the type that drags that whole process out. This morning...for 2 hours. And I am still sitting in bed.
However, after I finally make it out of bed. I hit up the kitchen. Yogurt, bagels, honey nut cheerios. All staple food. (All of which I won't be eating in 5 days..sad)
Then it is on to figuring out what to wear. Most of the time I get back in bed to make this decision. It takes me quite a while and I take up any and every opportunity to get back in bed, even if its only for 2 minutes.
After 10 minutes of bed deliberation about my outfit, and having wasted my entire morning, I devote about 5 minutes to doing my hair and makeup. Most of the reason why I wear my hair up all the time.
Then, if I am not heading to Starbucks I will make tea before I go, putting me 3-4 minutes behind schedule.
Or I blog...probably making me even later. Which is what I am doing this morning. I should go. Gotta primp this morning for my picture in the paper.
Monday, February 8
My plans today did not involve making a snowman...or blogging, but waking up to 5 inches of snow will do that. However, it has given me more time to do a little research...about Hands on a Hard Body. I watched this movie 7 years ago. Wow. That makes me feel old. But one night hanging out with my best friends in high school, we were exposed to the most interesting thing ever. I sat there with my mouth wide open for the entire film. Seriously. And my friends and I have talked about watching it again, but never have. Apparently we have made this film sound so interesting that my friend's husband spent several hours looking for it. Even opened a Netflix account to watch it. All to know avail. Because apparently, it costs over a hundred dollars to buy it on Amazon!! Who knew I would be so lucky to actually get to watch this amazing documentary. But now it makes me want to buy it or rent it SO much more...I want what I can't have.
Thursday, February 4
Wednesday, February 3

-i've had quite the job
it's going on two years
but today ends this era
and has brought so many tears
-i want to dedicate this post
to the reason i blog at all
my dear coworker katie
who is beautiful and tall
-she begged me for some reading
one day when work was slow
and said that i should start this
if only she would know
-how much she has inspired me
to write and even rhyme
she's definitely the kind of girl
who writes poems all the time
-who knew when we first entered
the doors of mnb
the memories that would be made
and the things that we would see
-the only coworker i can mention
is one no longer there
she snooped and bragged
and told us that she really didn't care
-our days were filled with breaks
and drinking lots of tea
and staring at the hourglass
on our blank computer screen
-my computer's drawn attention
with its rocket blasting sound
but at least i have a friendly face
right when i turn around
-i know that we can be
less professional than..well all
which has caused a lot of drama
in the back along the wall
-at least we are so far removed
so our giggles will not carry
over to the hard working guys
of who we may be wary
-everyday we sat and watched the clock
for noontime was our break
we went to sonic, parks, the car
it was our hour to escape
-the storage days were so fun
we had to lift a box
or two, or twenty five of them
but every thursday stephen rocks
-we made those days out of office fun
between a mouse and locking keys
and discovering a furniture store
we did just what we pleased
-i can't forget our work fish
john david sebastian the third
he is very spastic
and his chewing can be heard
-but we love our little baby
who we have shared so far
we even gave him a vacay home
and buckled him in the car
-i just don't know how i could
be more lucky than i've been
i really have had the best coworker
eight thirty in the a.m.
-every morning without fail
i always have a hunch
on our desks: a mug, some tea
a bag of cheerios to crunch
-so thank you katie for keeping me sane
and all you've done for me
and in return you get
five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact for free!
Monday, February 1
I should start a book club. I think I have read more books in the past few months than any other point in my life. Well, maybe except for my AP English class. But my go-to genre lately: depressing. Yep. Countless books, but the topics have been human trafficking, sex trafficking...and now...the Khmer Rouge killings. Very depressing. First They Killed My Father has actually given me a lot more insight into Cambodian culture, but the personal memoir aspect...makes it yet another depressing book. Time to switch genres..I am thinking Ramona Forever next. Maybe it will bring back my childhood naivety.
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