Thursday, August 20


So who knew, that just from my short morning drive to work today, that it would inspire an entire blog post. You never know where inspiration can hit you...sometimes in the most unlikely of places. The place it hit me today..pulling up behind another car. This is what I saw on my drive to work this morning...

CRAZY...right?! That is not the crazy part. What is crazy is that in the last 24 hours, this is the SECOND license plate I have seen with some "diva" phrase on it. Yesterday it was "IMADIVA" that was in front of me. However, I was only able to snag a photo of the vehicle today, because I was actually able to get close enough behind them, while stopped, to snap this photo. Yesterday, the police would have been called..either to report a wreck or harassment charges..neither of which sounded too appealing.

It is situations like this, though, that I sometimes wonder...coincidence? I mean how many license plates actually have diva written on them? the Memphis area? And for me to see two of those in a day...It seems that no other explanation can be made except that...clearly, I am a diva. All the signs seem to be stating that fact. I mean it is right there in front of my face.

So what are my diva plans as of lately? Well..I didn't cook, sew, clean, or garden anything last night. Divas need a night off every now and then. But my hope tonight is to make some amazing caramel corn. Granted I have to do this in about 30min. once I get home from work tonight. But I like to remain optimistic. If worse comes to worse, a store-bought treat it will be. But I got this amazing recipe from a friend who is a seasoned vet in the kitchen..and I know that it would be an excellent snack to take to my baby shower/bible study tonight. fun would popping popcorn on the stove be! I think my dog would like this endeavor immensely. (Well he likes me cooking in general..if you recall the chicken juice on the floor comment from an earlier post)

Also, if anyone knows about this button fixer gadget thing (obviously, I don't know what it is called). Well, my two coworkers were informing me about this little contraption that automatically sews a button on for you, and all you do is press it up to the article of clothing, press a button, and it sews it on for you. I want one!!


  1. "...from a friend who is a seasoned vet in the kitchen"??? Hardly. I'm learning right along with you. Hope it turns out well! Looking forward to hearing about more of your homemaking adventures!

  2. 1. love the blog make over!!
    2. when I made tea today I thought of you
    3. license plate very interesting.. def. a sign to write a post (i hope you see one everyday)
    4. if you made the caramel corn... let me know how it went... sounds good!
    5. I wish I could make this list go to our number but I can't tonight... running out of steam... maybe later!
