Tuesday, December 1


I think I got some trouble with follow through on this thing...all the way back to my "daily scoop" idea which lasted all of a day. I need to quit saying I will write about such and such and post pictures because it never seems to happen.

But let me fill you in on my latest endeavors:

1. Photography: I am now the proud owner of Nick my Nikon. I am new at this whole DSLR camera business, but I am so excited to learn how to take amazing, great quality pictures. I started learning this weekend while visiting family in Chicago for Thanksgiving. While we were there, we went to the zoo, so I used this opportunity to practice with different lighting conditions, moving animals, and glass reflections. I basically came to the conclusion that it is going to take a while before I won't be completely frustrated with taking pictures. Just got lots to learn...

2. Party Planning: I have been hard at work for my Christmas party I am throwing with a friend. I finished invitations, and hopefully will (don't hold you breath) post a picture of what they ended up looking like. Now it is full force ahead figuring out food and decorations. Our theme is "Our very own 10 days of Christmas". I am so excited to see it all come together. I think it is going to be SO fun!

3. Holiday Baking: I am coming up with my list of items to bake this holiday season. So far...I am in charge of Christmas morning. I am making more bacon (the kind mentioned in a previous post) and homemade cinnamon rolls. Thankfully, I am not in charge of the big meal. I don't think I could handle that pressure yet. I am possibly making homemade cranberry sauce, but I haven't completely decided...and the rest will probably be cookies and other festive treats.

4. Being Auntie: I found out this past Wednesday I am going to have a nephew! Wesley Duane. I don't know if I am more excited about being the only one in my family to predict correctly or the fact that I don't have to use the mouthful "him or her" anymore. It is a him! I am in the process of a few things regarding this...which you will hear plenty about in the coming month.

5. Knitting: I am in the process of knitting like crazy. I have decided to make scarves and sell them to earn some money in order to go Cambodia (I will be working for a non-profit organization there) in February. Stay tuned for this too..hopefully by the end of the week I will have an Etsy account set up and you can buy them!! Please buy them!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been to the Chicago zoo. It is pretty cool. And it's free!
