Thursday, January 28


I think as the temperature drops, I instinctively pull out a pan to start cooking. I am beginning to see it as self preservation. Normally I freeze all the time in the winter. But I actually stay warm working over boiling water and a 400 degree oven. Today, I decided to take on the challenge of all least to me. It is one of the things I really wanted to make when I first starting cooking, and just haven't gotten around to. When I find easy meals, I flip right past. A 30 minute meal, I yawn. What inspires me to taking on something that I am not sure will turn out. It is that anticipation of complete failure that thrills me, and actually makes me feel as though I accomplished something significant when it turns out. The negative is when it doesn't...which is basically anytime I do something for the first tonight. Luckily, so far when my food hasn't turned out it is still edible...just slightly chewier.

On tonight's menu was cheese ravioli with tomato sauce...but the tricky all was made from scratch. Even down to my ricotta cheese.

That's right. You can make ricotta cheese just from milk and buttermilk. Simple as that! This was the most exciting discovery. You simply heat the milk until it begins to curd. Skim the top layer and place in a cheesecloth lined colander. Here's what it looks like in the pot...

...and once it is in the colander. I was a little worried whether I would know if I did it correct or not. But trust really is simple. Well at least as far as I know, I didn't mess this part up. Although, I am sure some chef would groan watching my technique.

Then on to the fun part...and my downfall. If only I were more patient...or had a machine to make pasta. I got bored and tired rolling it out and didn't make it thin enough. The uncooked dough is a lot tougher than most that I am used to working with. Having a machine would have come in handy. Or else I am just too much of a wimp. Well, both are probably true...

Anyways, thick pasta and all, I boiled the ravioli and added the sauce. Here is the finished product...walah! Now if only it were as simple as that pictures makes you believe...

It is crazy, though, to think that I just started with eggs, flour, milk, and tomatoes...and ended up with that!

1 comment:

  1. that is amazing! I admire your cooking skills!
