Tuesday, August 18


Of course!

That is pretty much my initial response to my cooking endeavor last night. Of course, on my first night of cooking, a pipe bursts and in turn, I can't use the kitchen sink for most of the night. Not only am I new at this whole cooking thing, but throw in a busted sink, and I am doomed for failure. If only video were acquired from last night, you would see me running to and from the bathroom to wash my hands or parsley, frantically trying to keep the chicken from burning and the gravy from lumping. I definitely worked up a sweat...and a greater appreciation for those holiday meals that are assembled. Cooking three things at a time requires dexterity and grace...both of which I am severely lacking. The result: chicken juice on the floor, the counter piled high with countless measuring spoons and pans, and already my cookbook is not looking quite as new and spotless. Which brings me to the number one thing I learned from last night...prepare beforehand. Which is something I did not do...mise en place. Which is so typical. I am the type of person that..yes I will admit..has very little patience. Besides...the fact that dinner was not served until 8:30 last night was also a little more motivation to get started quickly. Although I have to say I feel like the late dinners will be in my favor. If you are hungry enough..anything tastes good. Right?

So back to the actual meal..besides the whole sink incident, I would say the whole process went as smoothly as would be expected of a novice cook. The whole, raw chicken brought lots of laughter and funny faces. I couldn't decided whether I was in biology class or holding a baby...either of which was slightly disturbing. But once the thing was buttered, stuffed, and in the oven I was much more at ease. I also love these silicone ties that I trussed the chicken with. Later, when I had to stick it back in because it was not quite done, I didn't have to get new twine and retie. I already had the silicone tie ready to be resecured. Granted, it was a little buttery and shot off the chicken and onto the floor..but no one needs to know those little mishaps.

I am just so relieved to have this one behind me. It was quite a challenge...but as I like to look at all setbacks in life, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Having a busted sink, under cooking the chicken, making the gravy watery, and dicing instead of mincing..yes all these things have made me a much better cook. Now, I know how to run around and not burn anything. I know what an uncooked and cooked chicken looks like. I know how to add more flour to gravy without making it lumpy. And I know that I definitely need to improve my chopping skills. All this from one night.

So what is next for this domestic diva? More cooking..definitely..and sewing, gardening, and cleaning as well. I mean, hey, Martha does it all. But I will do more!

So here is my "perfect roast chicken"...

and "simple stuffing"...

Better than Martha's right??


  1. Wow, that looks great! And you did this all by yourself and with a 'slightly' dysfunctional kitchen! I am very impressed- it looks so yummy, I've never made a stuffed chicken before.
    Great job! ~ Miriam
