Tuesday, October 13


Sauteing is not my strength..or so I found out last night. The fire alarm was just a few puffs of smoke away from emitting its shrill warning. Its warning for me to step away from the stove and give up my cooking. Thankfully, an open window, and quick thinking from my mom saved all our ears from that annoying sound. My dog reacted much like he used to for "taco night". He ran to the back of the house and whined by the door. Apparently I scared everyone last night. It honestly was a miracle I did not burn something. Actually let me clarify...because I did, in fact, burn something. But I meant it was a miracle I did not start a fire. There is a difference...and I am trying to grasp at any bit of optimism I can! Oil, wine, butter, and a burnt pan...all haphazardly poured and splattered around the burner.

Dinner was chicken piccata. I had my first taste of capers, and learned what they actually are. This was my first stab at Italian cooking...my favorite type of food. And this was also the closest I have been to ruining the entire meal. Apparently having frozen, thicker meat means longer cooking time. So much so, that all my oil and butter in the bottom of my pan sizzled, cooked, browned, burned, and then smoked. I had to start over in a new pan to get pan sauce that wouldn't contain charred bits of butter. However, after it was all said and done. It looked and tasted a lot better that I was expecting. And I have discovered that sauteing is WAY faster than roasting. I beat my time by a landslide last night. I had eaten, washed dishes (even including that burned pan) and cleaned everything by 7:15. Just in time to head out to spend the evening with friends.

It was just so great to be back in the kitchen...and I was ready to make dessert if only I had more time. Something to cover up the smoky smell that still permeates my house...which still smelled just as strongly this morning. Oops.

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